Monday, December 9, 2013

Blogger This Week

To all my dedicated blog readers:
I regret to inform you that I will not be posting pictures of new assignments this week because I am nearing the end of my college semester and have nothing but paper work this week. I apologize for the lack of stimulating art in your lives for this week.

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 6, 2013

I started on the faces with skin today and I'm still not super happy with how they are turning out. I'm starting to think faces aren't my thing. But I'm trying and have one more to do that I will post Monday. Below are pictures of what I did today.

Web Site

I added a new Web Site! It's called Drawing on the Edge and it's pretty cool!


I commented on Reid and Hannah's blogs.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

So I switched up assignments. Instead of doing the face sketches I am working through a packet that will help me with the anatomy of the face. I completed three sketches today and they are below.

December 4, 2013

I'm beginning my sketches of me

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

I'm putting in the water color background


I commented on Reid, Hannah, and Reagan's blogs.

Ink Skeleton Explanation

I apologize for lack of pictures this week. :(
I started the project on Wednesday and only took a photo when I was done for the day. Thursday I worked on it again and finished it but again only took one picture. So it is done and it only took me two days but I worked like two to three hours on it each day.

November 21, 2013


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ink Stuff

I watched the ink video but it didn't really help with much. Kinda confused me even more. I did do the Ink Blot test and it was very odd but amusing. My results are attached.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Link List

My link list is up and running again!!! I posted a new link (John D Herz) and posted the others from the past two weeks on there as well so they'd be easier to find.



I commented on Hannah, Reid, and Reagan's blogs.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dual Drawing Midterm

Dual Drawing Midterm 

Leaf Sketch - 

The leaf homework sketch was the first thing that I was told to do. It took a few tries and some guidance, but after I came up with a leaf that was very nicely done. I like the shading and the detail put into it but I would like to add more detail and shading. The biggest thing I would like to change is that I want to draw the whole thing, not just the one leaf.

Shell Sketch - 

This project was my first real project for this course. I found this to be very difficult and almost decided to drop this class because I didn't think that I could handle the drawings that I would have to do. After starting and re-starting this project multiple times, I finally produced a finished product that was far from perfect but better than the others I had come up with. I don't "hate" this drawing, but I don't like it. If I could do it over I would give the shells more detail and I would try very hard to get them to look more scaled. I would also try to pick a more distinct light source to help my shading.

Toy Sketch - 

After getting through the shell sketch, I felt that I would never be able to do the toy sketch, I was proven wrong. I took the sketch one small piece at a time and produced a better drawing than I thought I could. The details in the toys came out very well and everything looks pretty much to scale. If I could do this over again I would try to make my lines more smooth, make the duck in the drawing look more like the toy in the still life, and I would work on the shading. 

Shoe Sketch - 

This sketch is probably my favorite. After I finished this sketch I felt very confident in myself and I love the way this turned out. The shoes all have details almost identical to my still like and thought this took quite a while, everything is to scale and looks very smooth. If I could re-do this drawing I think the only thing I would work on is finding my light source and shading this the correct way. 

Face Homework - 

The faces were probably the hardest thing I have ever had to draw. The masks were white and the backdrop was also white so it was difficult to determine where lines and shadows were to go. If I could change anything about this drawing I would try to capture more of the faces instead of the parts of the faces. I would like to also improve on the shading. 

Lights on the Faces - 

For this assignment, we used the same still life only this time we drew the still life with an intense light in the objects. Without the light it was very hard to determine where the shading should go, but with the light it was quite easy to find where my shading needed to be and I came out with a very nice finished drawing. The only thing that I would want to change about this drawing would be that I would like to have added more of the backdrop into it. 

Mask Project - 

For this project, I had to draw each of the masks in sort of preliminary drawings multiple times. At first I really didn't understand why I was having to draw all of these multiple times and I was kind of man that I couldn't draw in all of the details. But after I got all of the mask drawings done I was told to cut them all apart and arrange them on colored paper, I was actually pretty excited. I love to cut things and glue them together and if I could change anything with this project it would be to clean up the lines and glue from putting this together. 

Charcoal Masks -

I have to say that before and during this project I HATED charcoal, now I see why people love it so much, it makes drawings look AMAZING. I had a really hard time with this project because I really hadn't done anything with charcoal before this but after some Charcoal 101 I took my project from really bad to pretty good for me. If I could change any of this project then I would try to get a darker shading where it needs to be and a lighted shading where it needs to be. 

Cups Homework - 

Even though this was just a homework sketch I found it to be very difficult. The purpose of this was to show what we all see when we look at a row of stuff. When you look, the first object appears to be bigger and as you go back the objects become smaller. It looks really easy to draw, but it really isn't. Aside from the fact that drawing the cups at the right size was difficult,the lines on the cups posed as a different problem. I had to get all of the lines right. If I could to this on again I would completely re-do the drawing and spend more time on the shading and line accuracy. 

Table Homework - 

The table homework assignment was sort of like the cup assignment. They both held the same purpose which was to help me see the depth perception in my drawings. This assignment proved to be way harder than the cups and honestly, I hated it. I hated drawing it and I hated the way it turned out until I realized how much it helped me with the projects I had to draw afterwards. 

Front of School - 

After the cups and the tables, I understood why it was our homework drawing, because it helped for me to get the depth perception of what I was looking at. The hardest part of this project was getting the sidewalk right and the trees to look right. If I could re-do this drawing I would try to incorporate more detail and I would try to find me light source so I could incorporate shading. Though I like this drawing I don't feel like it is DONE. Eventually, I think I should finish this. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Artist Webpage

Again, the link list won't let me add anything, so here is my artist webpage for the week.

Stephen Wiltshire

October 31, 2013 - Comments

I commented on Hannah and Reid's blogs.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013

Sorry for not posting yesterday, we had confusion with assignments but now that is resolved! My assignment is to draw the front of the school from a worms eye view. I have done my preliminary drawing.

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

I finished the cup assignment but I am not happy with it. The assignment proved to be harder than I anticipated and frustrated me very much.

Friday, October 25, 2013


I posted comments on Hannah and Reid's blog.

October 25, 2013

I decided to re-draw this project. It will still be done by Monday.

October 24, 2013

Today I started our new assignment which is lining up objects and drawing them basically. It's just a start but it should be finished by Monday.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22, 2013

Today I worked on lightening my background so it wasn't so dark. Still a really hard project.

Weekly Artist Link

Because blogger won't let me post links in my link list at the moment, here is my new weekly artist link!

J.D. Hillberry

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

I am working on the 3D effect. Not to great. I'm coming in for help.


Here is a recap of what I posted last week!  Just a screen cap so if it isn't legible let me know!

Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18, 2013

I have finished up on making my masks "3D"! It's not really the best but I'm having a really hard time with this project.

October 18, 2013 - Comments

I commented on Hannah's post.

October 17, 2013

I am continuing to work on getting my masks to look "3D". I am having a really hard time but will hopefully finish by October 18, 2013. As soon as I finish a picture will be posted. I am sorry that there is no picture at this time. I apologize that there is no picture, class ended unexpectedly yesterday.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 2013

I am working on making my charcoal masks look 3D. I'm having a really hard time with this.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013

I am sorry that I haven't been posting! Today I am playing catchup with all of my posts. I have posted my pictures and such for last week and gone through and commented on Reid and Hannah's blog posts. I will try and do better to keep up with these posts!!!

P.S. the 14th we didn't have school, so I won't have a post with October 14, 2013

October 11, 2013

I have finished drawing my three masks onto the charcoal ground. Now I have to make it 3D according to Mrz. W.

October 10, 2013

I am continuing to draw my masks onto the charcoal ground. I've been told not to make my lines so heave.

October 9, 2013

Today, I am setting a ground and beginning to draw masks on the ground with eraser. Kind of difficult going from drawing black on white to white on black. 

October 7&8, 2013

I apologize for my blog tardiness, the 7th I was preparing for a funeral and the 8th was the funeral. I am playing catch up.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1, 2013

Today I filled in the holes previously cut out of the masks. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013

I am currently peicing together my masks on paper.

Add a gadget!

I now know how to post blog lists and web page lists! Any one who needs help can ask me!

Learning Blogger! Including the app!

Haven't posted in quite a while! I am in the process of getting over what seems to be a cold, but a very bad cold. I have all of my sketches done, I am just waiting to post!!! Posts are coming soon!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013